Claves are the keys of St. Peter, present on the coat of arms of the Fraternity of St. Peter, as a sign of its attachment to the Supreme Pontiff. In this difficult period for the Church,
Claves is an opportunity to better present the Fraternity of St. Peter, its history, its vocation, and the doctrinal reasons for its liturgical choices, in order to deepen the double attachment that is the soul of this community: the unfailing fidelity to the Tridentine liturgy and to the Holy See.
“My people are dying for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6). Today, the observation of the prophet Hosea is cruelly felt: without knowledge, faith is empty, charity becomes hollow and sentimental, and the soul is exposed to the grave perils of error, confusion and relativism that Benedict XVI already denounced. More than ever, the Christian must love the Truth, that is, Christ.
With the site, the French district of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter ( proposes to make its small contribution to this work in the service of the Truth. More than just information, Claves is a site of formation, an online complement to our magazine Tu es Petrus ( which has existed since the foundation of the Fraternity of Saint Peter in 1988. Adapting to the needs and constraints of the faithful, who sometimes lack the time and the tools to go deeper into essential subjects, Claves wants to give keys to understand the questions of faith, in an accessible, short and synthetic way, without sacrificing the necessary precision that the search for the Truth requires.
In addition to articles classified by category (theology, scripture, spirituality, family…), Claves also proposes to deepen each month some subjects through special articles. A large place is also given to audio through the podcasts of our priests’ conferences, for a different kind of formation. An electronic newsletter keeps you informed of the latest publications at all times, and you can also ask your questions to a priest, for a more individual formation.
The FSSP is pleased to be able to offer this resource to the faithful.