Providing for the financial needs of our parish
Our parish continues to incur expenses for such items as electricity, heating, repairs, insurance, etc. Although our financial statements show a very solid financial position for our parish, we can very quickly deplete our resources without access to our regular collections. If you are in a position to do so, we invite you to support our parish financially and on a regular basis.
The following options are available for donating to our parish:
1) By obtaining a parish collection envelope box through our parish office, which can be dropped off during Mass or sent in the mail. The parish will produce a tax receipt for any donations made using it:
Form to get Sunday Collection Box of envelopes
2) Through a monthly direct transfer from your bank account to the parish bank account (Pre-Authorized Giving). The form used to initiate PAD is attached below. If you would like to use this process for your donations please complete the form and mail (or drop it off) to the parish office. If you do not wish to continue this method of giving, it can be terminated upon written notice to the parish. The parish will produce a tax receipt for any donations made using PAD:
3) Using your credit card by going to the St. Clement Parish Web Page and clicking “Donate to the Parish” link and filling out the required form at the link below. Regular donations using this credit card method can be cancelled at any time at Canada Helps itself will send you the tax receipt :
Credit Card donations to St. Clement Parish
4) E-Transfers: The parish can now accept Interac e-transfer payments if you provide the following email to your bank: . The answer to the question that you provide the bank when you create the transfer must be “Clement“. You must specify the reason of the payment in the comment area when you create the transfer. Please be sure to provide your full name and address. The parish will then be able to provide a tax receipt.
5) Donations of Securities and Mutual Funds may also be donated using the link below: Canada Helps will send you the tax receipt:
Securities & Mutual Funds – Canada Helps
Thank you to those already using one of these options for your donations. You can be assured that the confidential personal information you provide, particularly for online giving, will be kept in a secure place in our parish office.
If you have any questions or require further information please contact our parish secretary, at 613-565-9656 or email
In Christo,
Fr. Erik Deprey, FSSP