For more information and photos on this important event in the life of the FSSP, please visit our international website at
Information on the novena itself can be found below:
Consecratio Fraternitatis Sacerdotalis Sancti Petri ad Immaculatum Cor Mariæ die 11 mensis Februarii
The Priestly Fraternity of Saint Peter will be renewing its consecration of the FSSP and its apostolic works to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and entrusting all its intentions to her care. This consecration will take place on February 11, the feast of the apparitions of Our Lady at Lourdes. It will be preceded by a novena of preparation, from February 2 to 10. The faithful are invited to join the members of the FSSP in this Novena.
The Novena consists in a decade of the Rosary followed by the Memorare of St. Bernard. No specific decade is designated for this novena; however you might want to consider praying the 5th Glorious Mystery, the Coronation of Our Lady, as it would seem most fitting to the apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes.
You will find above this message a link with the prayers and instructions and are invited to print this document for your family use. You will also find the prayer of consecration itself for Feb. 11.
United in spirit with the FSSP and your parish priests, let us try to prepare ourselves to make this consecration with a generous and trusting heart.
Let us pray that this step will obtain for us the graces that we need and that Our Heavenly Mother will look upon us with kindness and gentleness, and grant us her merciful assistance.