You will find more general information on the project itself here:
The Real Estate Committee of the Archdiocese of Ottawa-Cornwall met and passed a motion allowing our parish to continue to the Design Development phase of our Parish Hall project with the Architect. The approval of the Design Development phase is an important step forward in the architectural design process. We would like to thank the Archdiocese for their continued support and encouragement.
It needs to be emphasized that your pledges are essential to the process of securing a good mortgage with the Archdiocese, something we hope to work out as soon as possible. So if you have not yet made your pledges, we encourage you to do so now. Our electronic form can be submitted using the following link:
Alternatively, you may print off the form using the PDF link below and submit it with the Sunday Collection:
Parish Hall Pledge Form EN FR (PDF)
Or to make a donation now, use the link below:
We have received $415,000 in pledges and donations so far. Additionally, our recent parish dinner raised a further $15,137. 114 parishioners have submitted pledge forms and a further 103 parishioners have already donated to the campaign.
This is 46% of our goal which is a good start. We need to build on this momentum.
We appreciate the support from those who have contributed to the campaign so far. Initially, our pledge drive was seeking pledges for 2023, 2024 and 2025; however, since the pledge drive started late in 2023, we are extending the deadline for submitting your pledge form to Sunday, April 28, 2024. Additionally, we are adding 2026 to the pledge period.
If you have any questions or require additional information regarding either the parish hall project and/or the capital campaign, contact John Fennelly @ 613-867-0144 or send an email to